standard printing materials
From: $450
Mixed Media, 2020
20 x 32″
While at the Legion of Honor museum in San Francisco, I stumbled upon several artifacts staged as if you were stepping foot into a French 18th century drawing room. As I moved around the roped off space, the glass chandelier twinkled above, reflecting a hazy light off of the objects around it. In one spot, the light reflected in a way that I felt like I was in another room and as if I was even standing in a different time.
In this image, I wanted to recreate the same soft stasis-like effect the chandelier created while hovering over objects from the same time period. Like the inside of a quartz crystal, I wanted to freeze and suspend the objects from inside the room as if the viewer was looking at the objects through a chandelier. The effect to me is similar to what a memory might look like when it’s not being used.