standard printing materials
From: $450
Mixed Media, 2020
20 x 30″
The Monorail system and the Space Needle in Seattle would be presented to the public at the 1962 Worlds Fair. At the time, the space race was just getting started and the city would host a six month “space” themed exposition featuring a monorail system, coliseum, a performing arts venue, and a flying disc meant to look like a space ship(Space Needle). The monorail track seen from this perspective would be situated between the nearby Seattle center and Westlake centers along 5th avenue.
In this painting, I wanted to visually express the contrast between 1960s American futurism against 2020s pandemic fatigue (+10 months). Bluegreen dark rain figures (foreground) are contrasting against the diminishing spirit of a weakened Seattle economy (background). Georgia O’Keefe’s “New York Street with Moon” would be referenced in its perspective and color.
Century 21 Exhibition (1962 Worlds Fair: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_21_Exposition#Buildings_and_grounds
History Link: https://historylink.org/File/2524
Curb Seattle:https://seattle.curbed.com/2017/3/24/15045120/seattle-center-monorail-1962-worlds-fair-photos
Seattle Monorail: https://www.seattlemonorail.com