Dreams in Transition

From: $275

Mixed Media, 2007
20 x 26″ 

Throughout my exploration of dream studies, I frequently found myself immersed in dreams depicting vast and distant wilderness landscapes, although their exact locations often eluded my waking memory. During that particular summer, I enrolled in an outdoor painting class and vividly recalled ascending one of the highest ridges in the canyon to create a plein air watercolor from the very same perspective. Amidst my dream studies, I distinctly remember a dream where the earth emitted otherworldly, resounding music. As the melodies grew in intensity, the rocky terrain within the valley began a gradual transformation, morphing into musical instruments.

In this image, my intention was to visually capture a fleeting moment from that dream, utilizing similar color palettes and spatial arrangements. This artwork serves as a portrayal of the precise instant when the dreamscape undergoes a profound transformation, seamlessly blending the physical landscape into a harmonious symphony of musical instruments.

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