Airplane in the Clouds

From: $300

Mixed Media, 2007
20 x 15″

I became an “ambassador” for a social media service with the responsibility of connecting philanthropists with nonprofit organizations. After a few weeks, I made contact with a donor who was in hospice care. His “attorney” then assured me that I only needed to travel to London to sign contracts and ensure that each organization would receive a donation based on the donor’s last will and testament. I was thrilled about visiting London for the first time and helping the six organizations I extensively researched, as it would give the donor confidence in making a wise decision.

Upon arriving at the London airport, I was stopped by a detective who informed me that I had fallen victim to a scam. Within two hours of reaching my destination, I was immediately put on a flight back to the US. I felt a deep sense of shame for falling for such an obvious scheme, but I made a personal commitment not to let the greed of humanity diminish my hope for a better world.

In this image, I wanted to visualize the ominous beauty of the clouds over London.

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